Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4th (morning)

AUGH. I wish I was dead right now. My boyfriend woke me up at 8am, ruining my plans to sleep in, skipping breakfast. (did i forget to mention he lives with us?) He's being an idiot aswell.. To the point where I picked up my laptop and relocated. FROM -MY- BEDROOM. Into my dark, slightly smelly, spooky, spider infested basement. With nothing but my laptop, a yoga chair and a thin blanket. But anyways I was reading another blog, in which the author mentioned 1tbsp of cinnamon on an apple cut up for a whole day really boosts your metabolism. Well, I made one, and I took a piece out for breakfast. I didnt even get through the first tiny nibble before i was choaking on cinnamon. After swallowing the small bit of apple and spitting out the cinnamon left in my mouth I went back to my fridge and chucked the baggie in the garbage. And I must say, throwing out that food felt GOOD.

I think the cinnamon is wreaking havoc on my stomach, seeing as I already spent a good half an hour in the bathroom after about 10 minutes of swallowing that small piece. And I didnt even take the laxitives I planned on taking last night.

While reading that blog, I also found out that working out at a slower pace for a long time burns more calories, and is much easier on an empty stomach. While blitzing through work outs leaves you prone to binges and weak/dizzy spells. I think I've got a new workout plan now..

I've heard a lot about the juice fast, except exactly how many calories your allowed to consume per day during. Probably less then 200, but I cant be sure. I might even start this fast today. A 3 day juice fast.




Not a crumb of food is allowed to pass these lips, for three days. Sadly I dont have a scale and home so I wont really be able to track my progress very well.. But I'm keeping on mum about buying one.

I want to be as thin as Chloe Lattanzi. I know I dont deserve to be that thin yet. But I'll prove to Ana that I'm working hard to deserve it.

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